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Dr Alice Watterson

'The Yup’ik sod house, Nunalleq', 2019.

Dr Alice Watterson is an archaeologist and digital artist based at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee, where she currently works as a lecturer and researcher with the 3DVisLab. Her practice-based research explores the use of archaeological visualisation and digital media for public engagement and outreach. Over the past decade she has worked across academia and creative practice to develop research strands in community co-design and multi-vocality in science and heritage communication. Her interdisciplinary background facilitates this work by allowing her to fluently negotiate the space between the specialist insights of archaeologists and general audiences. In addition to her academic research, her visualisation work has been commissioned and shown internationally in museums, schools and on-site interpretation.

Her most recent publications include a co-authored paper with archaeologist Dr Charlotta Hillerdal reflecting on Indigenous co-design with the local Indigenous community in Quinhagak, Alaska. ‘Nunalleq, Stories from the Village of Our Ancestors: Co-designing a multi-vocal educational resource based on an archaeological excavation.’ In Archaeologies Journal, Springer. DOI:

Personal Portfolio Website:

'Shieling Interior', 2018.

'First Foresters', 2018.


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